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How to set the next invoice number in Sage | Small Business Advice

Ian M

We use sequential invoice numbers for our invoices which happens automatically in our Sage Line 50 package but sometimes you may need to set the next invoice number in Sage.  On rare occasions we need to go back and create an invoice with a specific number (a quotation or pro-forma can trigger this). When doing the invoice you simply type the number in, easy. However, I find this resets the general invoicing number and the next invoice will be the one you did manually, plus 1. This is not what you want.

How to restore the invoice number in Sage?

First, look through your invoices to check what the next correct invoice number should be.

Go to Settings, then select “Invoice & Order defaults…”

Click on the Options tab.

You will see the “Invoices start from” box. Enter what the next invoice number should be.

Hit OK. That’s it.

Do invoice numbers have to be sequential?

If you are VAT registered it is HMRC’s view that invoice numbers should be sequentially numbered and you should not have any gaps. To quote the specific wording of the HMRC website:

“A VAT invoice must show an invoice number which is unique and follows on from the number of the previous invoice – if you spoil or cancel a serially numbered invoice, you must keep it to show to a VAT officer at your next VAT inspection.”

Here is a summary of what should be on a VAT invoice

For full details please take a look at the HMRC page

I Hope this has helped you. If it has please give us a Facebook Like or a Google +1 using the buttons on the right.


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